Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Getting ready to get started.

We are seriously close to leaving.  All the planning, shopping, and packing will be over soon, and I for one won't be sorry.  It may be harder to get ready than to do the deed.  The last few months I've been keeping the economy afloat and FedEx and UPS busy almost single-handedly. I have kept the receipts from most purchases, but can't bring myself to look at them.  I remember when I did the shorter version of this in '04 everything cost about $100.  Now it is about $1000.  

 2 days to go, we've figured out just what we absolutely have to bring cuz we can't get it in the territories.  Wine and coffee top of the list, with good dog food next.  Turns out though it takes a lot more product to keep us going than it used to:  multiple hair conditioners and face creams, different contact lense solutions, supplements up the whazoo; you get the picture.

The issue of the day is the outbreak of neuro Herpes virus in horses, which is very contagious and deadly.  Two horses from Utah got to a show in Salinas and died.  Several other cases have been found in Utah and Colorado, causing talk of closing all the western state borders to horse traffic.  We plan to sneak through on I80 which doesn't have ag checks in Nevada and Utah; keep your fingers crossed.

The dogs know something is afoot, and aren't straying far.  The horses also know.   Pema gets ready by exercising in her pen, calling out instructions to me every few minutes ("Not that fly mask, I want the burgundy plaid one!)

Scarlet and Sage are looking more dubious, quiet and watchful.  "Don't forget my shoes and blankie."  Unfortunately everyone is leaving here in raincoats.  

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was there to send you off! Wishing you a most successful and healthful journey. I am psyched to keep up with your progress. Here's to staying on the trail for a full 9 weeks!!!
